.Social Media Maintenance
Six months contract
- Number of posts
- Post format
- Custom design of posts in accordance with the brand
- Branded highlights, cover and profile pictures
- Keyword-based profile optimization
- Branded story templates
- #hashtag research + recommendations
- Analytics monitoring + recommendations
- Scheduling / manual posting
- Content writing
- Dizajn kreativa za reklame kada je potrebno
/ month
- Up to12
- Feed, Story, Reel/Short
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
/ month
- Up to 20
- Feed, Story, Reel/Short
- Chat GPT 3
- X
/ month
- Unlimited
- Feed, Story, Reel/Short
- Chat GPT 4
Important notes:
- The number of posts refers to all social networks according to the system 1 post = Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tiktok and Twitter.
- If you do not want the content to be written with the help of AI and you do not have your own copywriter, we can add an external copywriter to the team for an additional fee.
- Scheduling and manual publication of formats that do not support scheduling is also possible with the BASIC package for an additional fee of €30/month.
- Design of creatives for advertisements for packages that do not include this is charged €80 per creative (1 creative = all required dimensions)
- Reel / Short / Tiktok – Formats are made exclusively on the basis of editing of submitted video material or creation of animated video material from static resources.
- Payment must be made in advance before the start of each monthly period (example: invoice in January for February) in order for maintenance to proceed smoothly.
- Dizr. reserves the right to change this price list at any time.
- The current price list is valid from: August 1, 2023.
Twelve months contract
- Number of posts
- Post format
- Custom design of posts in accordance with the brand
- Branded highlights, cover and profile pictures
- Keyword-based profile optimization
- Branded story templates
- #hashtag research + recommendations
- Analytics monitoring + recommendations
- Scheduling / manual posting
- Content writing
- Dizajn kreativa za reklame kada je potrebno
SAVE 20%
/ month
- Up to 12
- Feed, Story, Reel/Short
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
SAVE 15%
/ month
- Up to 20
- Feed, Story, Reel/Short
- Chat GPT 3
- X
SAVE 10%
/ month
- Unlimited
- Feed, Story, Reel/Short
- Chat GPT 4
Important notes:
- The number of posts refers to all social networks according to the system 1 post = Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tiktok and Twitter.
- If you do not want the content to be written with the help of AI and you do not have your own copywriter, we can add an external copywriter to the team for an additional fee.
- Scheduling and manual publication of formats that do not support scheduling is also possible with the BASIC package for an additional fee of €30/month.
- Design of creatives for advertisements for packages that do not include this is charged €80 per creative (1 creative = all required dimensions)
- Reel / Short / Tiktok – Formats are made exclusively on the basis of editing of submitted video material or creation of animated video material from static resources.
- Payment must be made in advance before the start of each monthly period (example: invoice in January for February) in order for maintenance to proceed smoothly.
- Dizr. reserves the right to change this price list at any time.
- The current price list is valid from: August 1, 2023.